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Sunday, May 1, 2016


                 Present grading system vs                              Actual education               

 As a student i'm proud of being educated.The excellence of education is not only shown off in the working sector but also in the mirage of society.The quality of education only increases when misconduct in each and every aspect of personality is sought out.

               Education is a lifelong process.But primary education shapes the personality of a person.During our school life we get oracles in every subject.Meticu lous study of one's personality reveals his past. redeployment of honesty is nearly impossible.Habit of lying is like moving through a labirinth.It never ends,instead get complicated.A child is born honest. As he grows he gets socialized by the different socializing agencies of his society, this makes a person status oriented.Parents are perked up when their children bring good score in their exam papers. Are they sure about the honesty of that marks?

                    The present situation of our society makes a student eager to achieve more marks in his studies. Even though he is not interested in certain subjects he has to achieve best score which tends him towa rds malpractices. this will affect his honesty. Education is not merely scoring marks,education is beyond words.The development of particular interests of an individual should be ensured through education.When grace marks provided for extra-curricular activities are added with exam results,the hardwork of brilliant students are devalued. Some years before,reservation was provided for kalathilak and kalapratibha in medical entrance examination, which was removed because of certain issues like this.The present grading system is almost familiar to that.
      Exams are certain experiments conducted for testing one's ability and knowledge. No actions are taken to remove malpractices in our exam halls.  Those students who are weak in every part of education scores high marks by misconducting their exams.Those students who are able in extra-curricu lar activities,increases their score by adding grace marks.This affects the honest individuals.sometimes very brilliant students may not score as much marks, (they may get 9A+ or 8A+)as the other two categor ies(that is; misconducting and those with gracemarks). this system degrades thier hardwork.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

scope of social studies;


One more academic year has passed.students are waiting for their final results.those who are completing their primary education is eager to take science as their main stream.why??what is so attracti   ve in this subject??parents should guide their children in their laby    rinth of time.unfortunately our parents are reflecting those oracles of trends.

    subjects related with social studies are getting no importance in our state.students studying those subjects are portrayed as lazy and menial. this condition is not because of inferiority of social sciences but to a large extent,because of the social equality of different   castes.caste system is the unique feature of our nation.although caste based discriminations are banned it still prevails in our nation. but our state has a different character in caste allegations and caste based discrimination. caste system was practiced in kerala up to an extent. the drafting of our constitution and land reform acts has brought immense changes in our society. backward classes were provided with reservations and scholarships which recuperated them.even before independence ,our kings were interested in the education and health of their subjects.the implementation of public  distribution systems and midday meal programmes increased the literacy rate.this redeployment of our state gave seldom importan     ce to humanities based studies ,which mainly concentrates on state and culture.
                  kerala is changed and improved,but restrictions like endogamy still prevails here.evils and discriminations based on caste system is almost erased from our society.but we should continue this process to completely remove the oracular menace of caste system.scope of social studies should be meticulously  analysed. redeploy of social sciences not only removes discrimination but also increases the job opportunities.   


Monday, February 22, 2016


EQUALITY  AND  EDUCATION;              FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS!                  

i believe in my religion ....its aspects,laws,each and every corner which i studied experienced . i too believe in my friend who is an active member of his religious rituals and festivities. we both respect  each other despite are caste and status, holding equal physical strength and mental health.  
                                    In normal sense caste is a discriminative institution that has rooted in our society. ...the Indian society. constitution:- framework of Indian subcontinent upholds equality and freedom of its citizens.if caste doesn't matters in citizenship and democracy,how does the caste of Rohit vemula circle in the minds of Indians??? whether Dalit or not he is still an Indian. if caste system is maintained for the purity of individual equality is prioritized for the purity of our constitution.
                                      For the complete sanction of equality and secularism,not only reservation  to be provided but also acceptance should be is really difficult to face more Rohith vemula's .....because we are living in a democratic country were power is in our hands. it is our duty to create actions that bring changes. when The darkness filled by caste system get removed...our minds will develop........then our nation
